Striker Fighter is an 80’s style arcade shooter that I built at Visual Jazz for the Defence Jobs Games website. It was really fun to build and really fun to play. At least, I think it is. I spent so long on it that it has become hard to tell 🙂 It was actually completed […]
Tag: ActionScript
Jay Jays Jayvatar Builder Goes Live
This week the Jay Jays Jayvatar Builder that Visual Jazz created went live. It’s a cool little tool that lets you create your own custom avatar for use on the Jay Jays site. Whith a very unique style and heaps of options you are sure to create some very cooky characters. […]
Enviromaniac Games
A few months back, Visual Jazz (the place I work) was building a new site for Visy called Visy Enviromaniacs. The purpose of the site was to help educate children about the environment, teaching them about recycling, saving energy, etc. To help make the learning for fun and keep the kids interested, a major section […]
Sciences at Melbourne Website
Did you ever get the feeling that you were being tested? That’s what happened to me with this site. The designers I work with at Visual Jazz really like to push us developers some times. When I first saw the designs for it I remember saying to myself ‘Gosh darn! How is one supposed to […]
Virtual Bakery
Sometimes in this line of work someone gives you a job that is nothing but fun. Visual Jazz was rebuilding the entire Baker’s Delight website, and as a bit of a side project we were given the task of building a virtual bakery in Flash. The bakery was to be a high gloss virtual representation […]
Liv Doll Microsite
Working at Visual Jazz does expose me to some interesting scenarios/ I mean, playing with dolls for a couple of weeks isn’t my usual idea of a good time, but this funky little microsite had some pretty cool features that had my brain ticking over the whole time. Some interesting 3D modelling and animation coupled […]
Colorado Microsite
Colorado is tough at work and at play. That’s the idea behind this microsite that I helped build at Visual Jazz. The whole thing was built in flash and oozed manliness from start to finish. It was my job to do all the flash programming to make this site come to life. Read on to […]
DisplacementMapFilter Tester
Recently I did some work on the a project that required me to use some Displacement Maps. I have never used them before, but after playing with them for a bit I soon realised something… they are very awesome. They do take a little bit of getting used to, so to help with the experimentation […]
Epica Microsite
Working at Visual Jazz I tend to get to involved with some pretty cool Holden projects – a lot of which are flash based microsites. One of those sites was for the Holden Epica. Built entirely in flash, I was responsible for coding most of this site. In comparison to some of the other websites […]
Testing Regular Expressions in ActionScript 3
I’m by no means an expert on Regular Expressions. I mean, I get what they do, and can see their awesomeness, but damn they do my head in sometimes. To help myself out, I wrote a quick little Flex app that lets you test how a regular expression will work with a particular string. It […]