Colorado is tough at work and at play. That’s the idea behind this microsite that I helped build at Visual Jazz. The whole thing was built in flash and oozed manliness from start to finish. It was my job to do all the flash programming to make this site come to life. Read on to […]

Tag: Programming
DisplacementMapFilter Tester
Recently I did some work on the a project that required me to use some Displacement Maps. I have never used them before, but after playing with them for a bit I soon realised something… they are very awesome. They do take a little bit of getting used to, so to help with the experimentation […]
Testing Regular Expressions in ActionScript 3
I’m by no means an expert on Regular Expressions. I mean, I get what they do, and can see their awesomeness, but damn they do my head in sometimes. To help myself out, I wrote a quick little Flex app that lets you test how a regular expression will work with a particular string. It […]
Faking Depth of Field in Papervision 3D
A while back I was given my first flash project that required me to use Papervision 3D. If that wasn’t daunting enough, the design of the project required that there be a depth of field effect on the elements – something that papervision cannot do. (If i am wrong about that, please don’t tell me […]
Separating Axis Theorem (SAT) Explanation
A quick and basic explanation of how SAT collision detection works, as well as some links and code you can download. […]
Reflection in ActionScript 3
An ActionScript 3 class I wrote that dynamically generates reflections. […]
Graph Classes written in ActionScript 3
An experiment creating dynamic graphs using ActionScript 3. […]
MathML Parser written in ActionScript 3
An experiment parsing and displaying MathML using ActionScript 3 – generating mathematical equations from XML data […]