My child has been learning his numbers and alphabet for a while, so I decided to make him a small app to help him put arrange them into words. Introducing Oscar’s Alphabet – a very simple spelling game that uses Amazon’s Lamda and Polly services to read out customs lists of words that the child can […]

Warfare Online
After a few years of work we have finally released our first stand alone game – Warfare Online. Based on the original Warfare 1917 and 1945, Warfare Online moves from a flash based single player game to a standalone online 3D PvP game. Built using Unity and running on a custom back end, Warfare Online is […]
The Evolution of Dead Zone Chat
One of my first duties when starting at Con Artist Games was to integrate a chat system into The Last Stand: Dead Zone. Whilst at the time it seemed like a pretty straight forward task, it eventually turned into an ever involving project that exposed me to both the best and worst experiences I have […]
The Last Stand: Dead Zone
In August of 2012 I joined the team Con Artist Games and immediately got to work on their flagship title – The Last Stand: Dead Zone. Based on their existing titles of side scrolling flash games, Dead Zone was a massive shift into the world of browser based 3D MMOs. […]
Catching Cheaters in Dead Zone
Cheating is a problem that all online games face. There will always be people that will look for a way to gain an advantage and unless you are running everything on your own server you are going to face a battle trying to stop them. Until you really have to deal with them, it is […]
Lynx Fastlife – Behind the Scenes – Part 2
In my previous post I explained how I generated the sequences used in the Lynx Fastlife app – which you can read about here. Now I’m gonna run through how I did the overlays and data insertion for the app – the part that I think is the really cool part. […]
Lynx Fastlife – Behind the Scenes – Part 1
Its one of the biggest and most complex projects I have had to work on in a long time and I thought it was worth going through some of the key elements explain how we got it done. […]
Light Writing Effect
A while back I was given the task of trying to animate a banner that was to go on a site we were building at Visual Jazz. All in a usual days work I thought until I saw the design mockup and realised it had been photo-shopped to the bejeezus. The idea behind it was […]
Glowing Text Effect
The Lynx Fast Life campaign I worked on at Visual Jazz had a design style that was just screaming for more than just the usual blurs and fades you usually use on a flash website. Something that looked more like After Effects then flash. After a bit of messing around with prototypes I finally came […]
Bananas in Pyjamas Website
A little while back Visual Jazz was awarded the job of creating a website for the newly revamped Bananas in Pyjamas – a childrens TV show created by the ABC The concept was to create a section of Cuddles Town – the home town of the Bananas and all their friends – using the new […]