My child has been learning his numbers and alphabet for a while, so I decided to make him a small app to help him put arrange them into words. Introducing Oscar’s Alphabet – a very simple spelling game that uses Amazon’s Lamda and Polly services to read out customs lists of words that the child can […]

Category: Online Showcase
An online showcase of some of my work
Warfare Online
After a few years of work we have finally released our first stand alone game – Warfare Online. Based on the original Warfare 1917 and 1945, Warfare Online moves from a flash based single player game to a standalone online 3D PvP game. Built using Unity and running on a custom back end, Warfare Online is […]
The Last Stand: Dead Zone
In August of 2012 I joined the team Con Artist Games and immediately got to work on their flagship title – The Last Stand: Dead Zone. Based on their existing titles of side scrolling flash games, Dead Zone was a massive shift into the world of browser based 3D MMOs. […]
Bananas in Pyjamas Website
A little while back Visual Jazz was awarded the job of creating a website for the newly revamped Bananas in Pyjamas – a childrens TV show created by the ABC The concept was to create a section of Cuddles Town – the home town of the Bananas and all their friends – using the new […]
Warfare Officer
Warfare Officer is a bizarre mix of real-time strategy and arcade explosiveness (if there is such a thing). Take control of three Australian navel ships and lead them on a mission to destroy the enemy base whilst protecting your own. […]
Strike Fighter
Striker Fighter is an 80’s style arcade shooter that I built at Visual Jazz for the Defence Jobs Games website. It was really fun to build and really fun to play. At least, I think it is. I spent so long on it that it has become hard to tell 🙂 It was actually completed […]
Enviromaniac Games
A few months back, Visual Jazz (the place I work) was building a new site for Visy called Visy Enviromaniacs. The purpose of the site was to help educate children about the environment, teaching them about recycling, saving energy, etc. To help make the learning for fun and keep the kids interested, a major section […]
Sciences at Melbourne Website
Did you ever get the feeling that you were being tested? That’s what happened to me with this site. The designers I work with at Visual Jazz really like to push us developers some times. When I first saw the designs for it I remember saying to myself ‘Gosh darn! How is one supposed to […]
Virtual Bakery
Sometimes in this line of work someone gives you a job that is nothing but fun. Visual Jazz was rebuilding the entire Baker’s Delight website, and as a bit of a side project we were given the task of building a virtual bakery in Flash. The bakery was to be a high gloss virtual representation […]
Liv Doll Microsite
Working at Visual Jazz does expose me to some interesting scenarios/ I mean, playing with dolls for a couple of weeks isn’t my usual idea of a good time, but this funky little microsite had some pretty cool features that had my brain ticking over the whole time. Some interesting 3D modelling and animation coupled […]