In August of 2012 I joined the team Con Artist Games and immediately got to work on their flagship title – The Last Stand: Dead Zone. Based on their existing titles of side scrolling flash games, Dead Zone was a massive shift into the world of browser based 3D MMOs. […]

Tag: Flash
Lynx Fastlife – Behind the Scenes – Part 2
In my previous post I explained how I generated the sequences used in the Lynx Fastlife app – which you can read about here. Now I’m gonna run through how I did the overlays and data insertion for the app – the part that I think is the really cool part. […]
Lynx Fastlife – Behind the Scenes – Part 1
Its one of the biggest and most complex projects I have had to work on in a long time and I thought it was worth going through some of the key elements explain how we got it done. […]
Glowing Text Effect
The Lynx Fast Life campaign I worked on at Visual Jazz had a design style that was just screaming for more than just the usual blurs and fades you usually use on a flash website. Something that looked more like After Effects then flash. After a bit of messing around with prototypes I finally came […]
Bananas in Pyjamas Website
A little while back Visual Jazz was awarded the job of creating a website for the newly revamped Bananas in Pyjamas – a childrens TV show created by the ABC The concept was to create a section of Cuddles Town – the home town of the Bananas and all their friends – using the new […]
Building a 360 fly-through
A while ago (like, almost a year ago) we were working on a project for Holden at VJ that used a bunch of custom made high quality video renders to show off each of the vehicles. For the most part the videos were used as intro’s and outro’s to each of the sections, and all […]
AVM1 in AVM2 Woes
Not too long ago I was given the task of making some old AS1 and AS2 games work inside a brand new AS3 site that we had built for a client. Whilst the basic concept seemed simple enough – load it in with a Loader – I soon realised there were a bunch of problems […]
Warfare Officer – Behind The Scenes
Warfare Officer is the biggest game I have built to date. Built in Flash using Away3D lite, it used a variety of techniques that I have never used before. It was a bit of a min Here is a quick summary of some of the techniques I used when building this game. […]
Warfare Officer
Warfare Officer is a bizarre mix of real-time strategy and arcade explosiveness (if there is such a thing). Take control of three Australian navel ships and lead them on a mission to destroy the enemy base whilst protecting your own. […]
Strike Fighter – Behind the scenes
So, how was Strike Fighter built? Well, for starters it is all done in flash, which I think would be kinda obvious since that is what I tend to work with. The rest was a combination of some basic 3D and a few little tricks. To find out more, read on 🙂 […]